Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time for School-My Awesome Girl Goes To School!!!

It is hard to believe that Eden is in Kindergarten already. She loves her classmates and her teacher. She rides the school bus. There are two girls that are in her class that are also in the neighborhood. Eden also has a friend from church that is in her class. She loves to get ready for school and she loves to keep mommy on her toes. Eden picked out her backpack (which is Barbie). She is also sporting a new hair cut. She loves her hair and that it doesn't drive her crazy anymore.

On a side note, thank you to all that have sent comments and emails. I really appreciate it. I feel so blessed that I have friends that support and love me. Thank you for all the prayers too.


Becky said...

I cannot believe how much Eden has grown up. She looks so excited to be in school. Cute hair cut too!

Yorgasons said...

YAY for school!!! I am so glad that she loves it!! That doesn't surprise me though!! I know Annie will love it too!! She looks so cute! I love her new haircut too it looks great!!

Family Scads said...

Meg...I didn't know all that you have gone through the last little while. I am so sorry! We sure miss you. I can't believe that it has been so long (I think that because Gwen is already 2 1/2). I wish that we could have seen you while we were in Iowa City. We are hoping to move there next year. We will for sure get together then. I can't believe that Eden is in Kindergartner. Holy cow, she is huge! Give her a big hug for us.