I can't believe Edy is celebrating her 6th birthday today. Wow, what a wonderful adventure Edy and I are having. She was born at 10:26 am on Sunday March 16, 2003. It was not a long labor. I went in to the hospital at 8:00 am and the doctor broke my water. He decided to go to church since first time mothers never are quick. At about 9:45 I was at a 10 and ready to push. The nurse was paging my doctor every 5 minutes, because she didn't want to deliver Eden by herself. The doctor walks in with is robes half way on, saw that Eden was coming and said "OH MY GOODNESS!!!" 16 minutes of pushing later she was born. I am so blessed and excited to have this wonderful spirit. She is loving, funny, smart, clever, a helper, a great girl. She loves the outdoors, reading stories, and coloring. She is always willing to help set the table and help cook dinner. She loves to have mommy/daughter time. On Saturdays we always go out to eat, go the Adventure Zone (huge jungle place in Nauvoo) and then go home and watch a movie. So Happy Birthday my sweet pea, enjoy your day.
Can we please make them stop growing!! I can't believe she is six!! That is so crazy!! I loved see those cute pictures of her when she was little!! What a cutie!! Congrats Eden!! HAPPY BIRHTDAY!
I still think of her like she is in the bottom picture. She can't be six already!! Happy Birthday (late) to you Eden!!
I love the cake with her picture on it. Did she think that was totally awesome? What piece of the cake did she eat? It sounds like a great birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Eden!!!
Meghan, you're such a fun and awesome person and I'm sorry to hear about the pain you've been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Eden, and Tom.
Angela Coan
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