Okay I

figure it is about time to let you all know what is happening with me and Edy. June 25th of this year, the divorce was final. It was a long road, but Edy and I got through it. We are much happier.
Things are going really good right now in life. Not a lot new with me but here it is. . .

First I final got back to my natural hair color. I know that this is not a huge mile stone, but it is exciting for me. I am still working at State Central Bank, but I am not in the wire department anymore. I work in the loan department. I love it. This is only my second week, but I am catching on fast and really enjoy who I work with. I am also 13 semester hours away from getting my B.S. degree at Western Illinios University. So I decided to hit the books this summer and finish. I can only take about a class or two at a time, but I feel it is worth it. My life is pretty busy, but I am loving it and wouldn't change a thing. Like I said really not a whole lot of news on my end. . . work, school, being a mom (which rocks the best) and having fun. Eden and I have had a great summer. She spent time taking swimming lessons, riding her bike, working in the garden with Papa (my dad) and playing with her friends in the neighborhood. But here is the exciting news with my Edy. . .

My Eden. . . is

now in 1st Grade. It is amazing how much she has grown. She reads, writes, and cracks jokes like nothing else. She can ride her bike without training wheels, ties her shoes, and loves to cook. She also has two loose teeth, FINALLY. She loves her new teacher and enjoys her class mates. This is her first day of school outfit. She picked it out herself. I think she did a pretty good job. I enjoy every minute I get with her. She is a true joy in my life.

It is funny she keeps on asking me when I am going to find a new "boy" (aka husband). I wish divorce on no one, but for me and my daughter it was so right. She does spend time with her father and his family. She goes to see him every other weekend.
She loves school and I love her school. The principal meets each student everyday before the bell rings. He is always involved with the students. I can't wait to see what Eden learns in 1st Grade.

Hope all is well with everyone else. I am on facebook if you are on there. I did however go back to my maiden name so it is now Meghan McCandless. I will try to keep up and not have so much of a gap next time.