Sorry for the long wait. A lot of things have gone on since I last posted.
Edy is doing well in Kindergarten. She loves going to school everyday. It is amazing what she is learning. Every Friday she comes home with a book that they have worked on for the week. She then sits there and reads it to me. They have studied bats, owls, turkeys and farm animals too. This vacation has been hard. She asks every morning if she can go to school. I say not yet.
Edy also has reading glasses. Part of the Illinois school requirement to start is that have their eyes checked. When Edy got hers checked the eye doctor said she needed reading glasses. She looks so cute with them (not that she didnt look cute before). She has some bling, bling on them. I call her my little bookworm, when she wears them. Just so you know that is sparkling grape juice. Love the sparkle juice on Christmas.
Edy was 2 things for Halloween. For her school parade she was a fairy princess. She didn't have school on Halloween, so when she came to have lunch with me at work, she was dressed as a cat. That night for trick or treating she changed back into a fairy princess. I was a "classy witch" . Since I had to work, I decided to dress in all black. I had a purple and black witch hat and a purple scarf. I didn't feel very comfortable dressing down for work. I felt I should still look professional.
My divorce is still in the works. The trial is set for January 22nd. With talking to other people I know from work, it will take about two weeks (hopefully) to have the divorce final. Edy is adjusting well considering. She doesn't like the going back and forth. She is going to a conselor and the couselor is really helping.
Other than that not a whole lot to catch up on. I am enjoying my job and I love the ward I am in. I also enjoy my new freedom. I am in control of my life now and not under my husband's control. I have so much to be thankful for. I reflected all this on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am thankful for my family, my daughter, my friends, my church and most importantly my Heavenly Father for guiding me in all I do. I feel that He has really helped me in this whole process.
I hope you all had a good Christmas. I know Edy and I did. Here is a picture of our tree this year.
Here is also a treat for the ones that have lived near or visted Nauvoo. Before you come into Nauvoo there is a small waterfall called David's Chamber. I drove by it yesterday since it was raining and all the ice/snow was melting. It was really flowing. Here is a picture I took.
Happy New Years. Hope 2009 is special for everyone!!!!